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From the Department of Famly and Community Services Fjarðabyggð - Further reduction in opening hours for preschools and day care

From the Department of Famly ind Community Services Fjarðabyggð

Further reduction in opening hours for preschools and day care

Preschools and after school day care centres remain open but provide limited service due to the current COVID-19 epidemic. From Monday the 30th of mars opening hours for prescholls and day care for children will be the following:

Preschools will be open from 07:45-15:15, children of parents that have been granted excemptions due to their work in the health or social industry will be offered placement untill 16:15.

After school day care for children will be open untill 15:15,  children of parents that have been granted excemptions due to their work in the health or social industry will be offered placement untill 16:15.

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